Sunday, March 1, 2009

March 1, 2009

Well I have only 4 more days here in Guatemala, and this will probably be the last blog I do here. I have really had an amazing experience, and I am so thankful to the Lord when I think about how everything has worked out here. My teacher, my homestay, the friends I've made, when I look at all of these things I really know that they were all ordained by God.

Not to mention the beauty of this country and the people, and how completely guarded and safe I have been these last 2 months.

I am looking forward to seeing everyone, and I miss my friends and family terribly, but I feel sad leaving the life I've established here. I can't wait to return, and bring others with me. I know that anyone who comes here will fall in love with Antigua, the way I have.

I will see you all soon, and I can't wait to share all the pictures and stories I have for you!!!

February 18, 2009

Again, another long stint of not writing. That should be some indication of how busy/tired I’ve been the last two weeks.

This weekend there was a team of 22 people from Kentucky at the Greene’s, because they host groups from the States and other places and they do mission trips and such. I realized I could never be that type of missionary…Too many people, and I would feel very much like I was invading a poor village or destitute orphanage with a bunch of well-meaning but unaware and ill-educated tourists.

Beside from that, we went to Panajachel on Saturday, the main town on the famous Lake Atitlan. It was really beautiful and it sucked to only be there for one day. (again the fault of the 22 extra people). We did however, do this zip-line thing over a beautiful valley. I couldn’t get pictures cuz I was flying through the air at 35 mph, but it was really neat – an awesome view of the lake and the volcanoes around it. Then we walked around the market, which was pretty boring. I’m not really into shopping and bargaining at the market, and plus I’m running low on money haha so I can’t really afford to buy anything unnecessary. It was nice however, that there were two guys on the team that spoke Spanish, so I could practice with them. Usually when I go to the Greenes I don’t get to practice my Spanish at all.

Sunday we went to church in a pueblo (village) called Magdalena. It was very funny because the music was terrible, but everyone was so enthusiastic. I enjoyed it. At the end, all the kids from Sunday school came up and sang a couple songs. My God they were so cute! And there were so many of them!!!! I have video and pictures on facebook.

Then we went to an ‘orphanage’ where there are currently 4 baby boys being taken care of. I put it in quotes because it was a home-style orphanage, which is a really nice home, and its not depressing at all. I guess it’s a good thing that it’s not depressing. I wouldn’t like to be an orphan living in a depressing orphanage.

Monday I just relaxed and did nothing. I woke up that morning with a really bad earache, and a sore throat. I haven’t had an earache for years and years, so I was very surprised. But I took a bunch of pills and put some drops in my ear and although it is still a little bit plugged-feeling, it does not hurt, and my sore throat went away. I have no idea what happened to me. It was weird.

Tuesday I had my salsa class. That was good and fun, but I definitely get frustrated with myself because I have so much trouble with certain moves, and especially when I’m supposed to improvise on my own, or do some sort of body roll, my stuffy ballerina self can’t seem to do it right! I need to practice that stuff. Also, the Guatemalan guys sure know how to make you feel inferior to blonde women. They really like blondes. And I’m squishy so that also makes me feel bad. I really need to get in shape. But that’s only a tiny part of salsa, 95% of the time I’m loving it!

After salsa I went to a place called Sky Café, which has a wonderful view of the city and of the streets of Antigua. I saw my roommates there with another guy. One of my roommates is from South Africa, and the other two are from Australia. They are all 3 very nice and funny so we had a beer and laughed a lot. It was a great way to relax after a semi-stressful salsa class.

I didn’t go out last night, I was too tired and I didn’t want to drink anymore. But today I think I am going to go to these ruins called Cappuchinos. I’m bringing a book and my camera, maybe picking up a little snack to take and some chocolate and I’m going to enjoy the outdoors .

Saturday, February 14, 2009

February 14, 2009

Well, here it is Valentines Day, and I hope everyone had a good one. I had a very fun one :) Guatemaltecos absolutely love Valentines Day and everyone goes all out for it. Not necessarily in decorations, but in giving gifts and stuff. Its pretty funny actually.

Sorry it has been ten days since I last blogged, I usually keep up and post them all at the end of the week, but this week has been so packed and I have been sooo tired. It's only 8:00pm now and I am utterly exhausted. I'll just start with what I did each day this past week.

Friday I went to a awesome Hotel/Restauraunt/Museum/Ruins called Santo Domingo. I went into crypts and saw a cool candle shop and found where I want to get married jaja. Of course last weekend I went to the Greene's, which was fun and crazy as always. I always rest really well there. Monday I went on a walking tour of Antigua through 3 churches: San Francisco, La Merced, and the Central Park church, I don't know what it's called. Anyway they were all really beautiful.

Tuesday I had my two hour salsa class, which was awesome. I just love it. I also went out that night because I wanted to practice my salsa. It was ok, very crowded. I got to dance a little but it wasn't awesome. But I was exhausted the next day. I couldn't sleep all that night. I'm not sure why. However....

I had promised myself that this week I would climb Pacaya, an active volcano that is a major destination for travelers. I had to do it, but I had been putting it off. Anyway, I did it dead tired. I took a horse halfway up, but you can only go so far on a horse then you have to walk. it kicked my butt. but it was definitely worth it. The pictures and videos I have don't do it justice. There was lava too! We roasted marshmellows on some hot rocks up there, it was soooo cool :) Check the pics. their great.

Thursday I did an extra salsa class and went out again, but this time it was much better and much more fun because me and my housemate from Finland, Johanna, went out with our salsa teachers, Carmen, Manolo, and Mike. (mike is my teacher, and he's guatemalan and his name is miguel but everyone calls him mike) Mike is great. Yeah. It was better to go out this time because we didn't have to dance with strangers and stuff.

Friday I was really tired too, but went to school and all, the Greenes picked me up early, at 10:30, because they had to pick up a team of 22 people from kentucky at the airport at 1. I helped them get the house ready, and have been helping them make meals and stuff. Its fun.

Today we went to Lago Atitlan, in the town of Panajachel. It was ok. I would have liked to stay the whole weekend, even though you can't get in the lake cuz its too dirty, and I would rather have been at another smaller town. but that's the nature of going with a group of 25 people. But we did do this thing called zip-lining, which is like a cable that you just hook yourself up to and kind of zip across ravines and lakes and stuff. it was really fun and very beautiful. i didn't get any pictures, because your flying through the air, and you can't really take pictures...unfortunately.

So now i'm sitting here, very tired. going to post all this stuff on facebook. i can't wait to see you all! only 2 and 1/2 more weeks!!! I can't believe it. I've been thinking it's going to be hard to readjust when i come back...I don't really want to settle into the same old routine again.

Well more on my feelings later....haha. At least you know what I did this week, and I did a lot!

Love you


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

February 4, 2009

I have not been here 1 month, although it feels as if it's been forever. I don't know what I'm going to do these next 4 weeks. I counted. I have exactly 31 days left, not including today. But I suppose I'll make it. The pic above is the fountain in the central square. Kind of vulgar, no? haha oh well. Its art, right?

Anyway yesterday I went to salsa class again...I don't know how I went so long without dancing. I love it, but I'm beginning to get frustrated because I'm not as good as I think I should be. I suppose that's why I'm learning, but I wish it would come to me faster. I wanted to go out and go salsa dancing last night, but I fell asleep at 8!!! I tried to take a nap earlier, but everyone in my house was so loud. I wanted to go out because i knew that my salsa teachers would be there and I wanted to practice. But I didn't get the chance, but hopefully next week I will force myself to do it.

I also put off another trip to Pacaya, the volcano. I know I have to go. Its so important, but I've been hearing stories...First about how difficult it is to climb, then how close you are to the lava and how potentially dangerous it is! So I'm a scaredy-cat.

The weather here has been windy and chilly. I wish it would warm up already!!! Ah well, such is life.

Oh! You know that song, 'Que Sera, sera! Whatever will be, will be..."
Well, I learned the tense that it is using, so now I understand it! Cool. Ok. I saw that Leo and Kate movie, too, Revolutionary Road. Very interesting. I guess I liked it ok. Ella, you and I will definitely have to talk about it. Lukas, I think you'll like it. DeAnna, you'll hate it. Don't go see it.

Hmmm...what else...nada mas, no pienso...hmmmm...I'm learning a lot of Spanish :) so that's fun.

Love to all!

February 2, 2009

Happy Groundhog Day!!!
Hola, all! Today is the beginning of my 4th week here, but I still have another 4 weeks to go after this one. This last week went by pretty fast though, so I think the rest will also go fast.
This weekend was…interesting. Friday afternoon I threw up my lunch…I ate too much, but only because my house mom makes me feel guilty if I don’t eat everything! Anyway, I threw up twice and felt really bad and didn’t eat the whole rest of the day, and didn’t eat anything all Saturday either. But by Sunday I felt completely better.
Saturday I went with the Greenes to a play at their school, Beauty and the Beast. It was ok. Well produced, but the girl that played Belle wasn’t very good…so that was too bad. But I had fun nonetheless. 
Sunday we went to a Spanish speaking church because it was the Superbowl and they cancelled the evening English service haha. It was pretty neat…they sang “Ancient of Days,” and that other one that goes…I’ll stand, with arms high and heart abandoned….It was interesting the translations, because I knew that some of the words were not the same. It was all worshipping God, but they were definitely not saying the same things as the English versions. Which doesn’t really matter, but it was interesting. I understood about 1/16th of the service probably, which was disappointing, but I tried hard…
Then we went to this fast food restaurant called Pollo Campero, which is really popular I guess. It started in Guatemala, but there are some chains in the States too I heard. It wasn’t that good, but it was an experience I suppose.
I was excited for the first time in my life for the Superbowl! Only because I was in a foreign country, and its an American thing to do, and because my dad is from Pittsburgh and I had a reason to cheer for a team. But it ended up being the same old boring Superbowl it is back home, so I was a bit disappointed. It was worse because we don’t get the same commercials here, which is more than half the fun. Oh well, my team won but I was already asleep by that time haha.
I don’t really have any activities planned this week, except my salsa dancing class and a possibility of going to the Volcano Pacaya. Its only that I’ve heard stories of how of scary it can be, because you are so close to lava and you come back down in the dark and it’s a little dangerous. I’ve been putting off going, although it’s a real landmark; it would be really pathetic if I didn’t see it. I haven’t decided yet. I guess this week is as good as any for me to go. There’s not really a lot of activity opportunities this week.
We did get two new people in my house though. Marina, the Swiss girl that was here when I first came, left this weekend, we got Johanna here last Thursday, and then two people from the states came yesterday, named Mark and Lexi. They are boyfriend/girlfriend from Washington DC, although she grew up in the tri-cities, and he is from California. They seem very nice and I look forward to spending more time with them.
I don’t know what I’m going to do now…So many options. Go up on the roof, take a nap, go to the central square, read my Bible… Continue my quest for free, reliable internet…No sé.
Oh well…

I love and miss you much,

Thursday, January 29, 2009

January 29, 2009

Today I haven´t done much...I went to class, had lunch, took a nap, and ran over to the market really fast with my house mom, Sylvia to buy some dancing shoes. They only cost me like 13$. geez. Now I´m writing this.

Last night we got a new girl in the house, her name is Yohanna and she is from Finland. Speaks perfect english but almost no spanish. Very nice. My other housemate, Marina, is leaving this weekend. I am going back to the Greenes again. I have lots of free time there so if you want to set up a skype appt. let me know.

Last night I went with this guy named Travis (from Mass) to a spanish speaking bible study. It was ok, it was good. But afterwards Travis had bags of sandwiches and juice and bananas and cookies, and we went and gave them to the homeless people on the streets of Antigua. I don´t know how I have been a Christian for so long and never done something like this before. We found a homeless shelter...well, more like a building that homeless people are allowed to stay in...and gave it all out there. I am still processing what happened. Travis sat right down with a man that he had given stuff to on the streets before, named Gustavo, whose face was deformed from some sort of burn. They struck up a conversation like old friends. He took his bible out and they began talking about God - Travis in broken spanish and Gustavo in his mumbling speech. I finished handing out all the food and kind of stood there awkwardly, admiring the way Travis was so comfortable and accepting. I really felt so exposed. Like, how can I say that I want to love people and can hardly look at a homeless man in the face? You know why I can´t look at him? Because I am ashamed of being better off and not doing anything to help him. I am ashamed because I feel somewhat repulsed by him, and I know that that is wrong, and that Jesus does not feel repulsed by him. I just need to ask for the Lord´s heart for people. I have been comfortable and satisfied and selfish in my own little warm world, and have become callous to suffering people around me.

Anyway, that´s how I feel. And its even worse because I thought this Travis was pretty cute and he was a Christian and oooh lucky me! But I felt so embarrassed for ever thinking that when we went out and saw that he was My thoughts were all focused on me and how I wanted to feel, while he was solely thinking of those suffering and how he could show God´s love to them! Ugh!!! I think God used him to really shake me up and show me where I have been so self-focused. I am always learning.

Oh but actually, today walking to the school from the market I saw the same Gustavo that I met last night! He had his little hymnal out, and we greeted eachother, and I didn´t really understand what he was saying, but I tried to talk a moment with him. But I am being careful too, I mean I don´t know him, obviously, and so I kept the convo short and went on my way. But yeah...

Anyway that has been the most significant thing that has happened this trip so far... :) But i´m sure there will be more stories.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

January 27, 2009

Oh my GOSH!!!! I love dancing...

I just got back from my salsa class, and have signed up for 4 more. It's soooo cheap, I am practically stealing from these people. 100$ for 10 hours! Private! OMG i can't even believe it.

Como se ya, (anyway)... I can't even describe what its like to dance...its been so long, and dancing with someone in a class where i am learning to be better and get corrections, and just...I don't know, I just feel so comfortable in the studio. Ugh its wonderful! In spanish I say: 'me hace falta bailar' - it means i miss dancing, or i lack dancing, like i have lack of it - so true. I lack it. It is so a part of me. When I get back to Spokane, I am definitely going back to salsa dancing. I would do ballet, but it would kind of just make me depressed. I can do salsa and ballroom because its so social and more commonly done just for fun. I'm excited. I have no idea if i'm good, haha, I do my best but my instructor speaks spanish, and you know, teachers have to say good job all the time no matter what you do. Haha como se ya, Estoy Feliz. I will probably go dancing tonight, and I don't really want to, but I have to practice, and I will go with a better idea of what to expect, and not be embarrassed or insecure.

Ugh, but I am so weak! my ankles are super weak, I was falling all i have bad shoes for it. but they will build up resistance and strength if i keep practicing. :)

We get another girl in the house today - don't know where she's from, but I like having this frequent change of housemates. Its exciting.

Well, I found an internet cafe mas cerca de mi casa (close by) and so that is good. I really need to practice my spanish. I am good with my teacher, but i'm nervous for tests and stuff like that.

Alright I'm heading home now, I love you all!
